

Planning a New Program?

Find Out When to Get Started
1. Approval to Develop

For all new degrees/certificates and any revision that includes significant changes to courses.

2. Progress through eLumen

Note CTE programs will need to schedule/request Advisory Board Minutes and by mid-Fall. If any associated courses need changes that should happen in early Fall.

3. Tech Review

Quick review of curriculum workflow before courses/programs are placed on a Curriculum Committee Agenda.

4. Prepare for Curriculum Meeting

Keep an eye out for the agenda/email about your curriculum; usually the second Monday after your workflow was due at Tech Review.

5. Next Steps

Where does my curriculum go next?

Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 Deadlines

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Deadline to meet with Guidance on proposing New CTE Programs.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

New CTE programs, including Noncredit Short-Term Vocational, and all ADTs and UCTPs due to Tech Review.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Non-CTE Certificates and Non-ADT/UCTP AA/AS degrees due to Tech Review.