
Catalog 2024-2025

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Course Information

Explanation of Prerequisites and Corequisites

A PREREQUISITE is a course or skill which is required before you can enroll in a particular course. For example, Chemistry 001A with a grade of C or credit or better is required before Chemistry 001B. If you successfully completed a prerequisite course at WVC, you will be eligible to enroll in the subsequent course as stated in the Catalog and Schedule of Classes. If you are currently enrolled in a prerequisite course, you may enroll now in the subsequent course for next semester. If you do not pass your current course and it is a prerequisite for the course in which you registered, you will be dropped from the course and your fees will be automatically refunded. A COREQUISITE is a course which you must take at the same time as another course as a condition of enrollment. For example, if you want to take BIOL 010 you must concurrently register in BIOL 010L. You may not be permitted to enroll in a class for which you cannot demonstrate you have met the prerequisite or are enrolled in the corequisite. If you are blocked from enrolling in a class on this basis, contact the Assessment Office for information on equivalencies and challenges.


These recommendations are important because college level courses which apply to the AA/AS and AA-T/AS-T degrees require that you be able to:

  • Study independently
  • Read college level texts
  • Think critically
  • Write essays at a college level

Pre- or Corequisite Clearance Process

Clearance of a pre- or corequisite requires documentation that verifies previous course completion or skill level attained to register for a specific class. A 鈥淐鈥 or better grade is required to clear pre- or corequisites. Unofficial transcripts are used for clearing prerequisites and are not kept on file at the college. Go to the Assessment office to clear the pre- or corequisite.

Challenge of Pre- or Corequisites

This challenge process is based on Title 5 regulations pertaining to prerequisites, corequisites and other limitations on enrollment. A copy of these regulations is located in the Office of Instruction and is available upon request. To support your challenge request, the following are examples of what documentation may be submitted. Requests are evaluated by the Challenge Review committee. There are specific requirements for English, Math, and Philosophy Departments (for more information go to westvalley.edu/assess)

Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments

Multiple Enrollments: Pursuant to Title 5, a student may not be enrolled in more than one section of a course in a given semester unless the length of the course provides that the student is not enrolled in more than one section at any given time.

Overlapping Enrollments: Students may not enroll in two or more courses where the meeting times for the courses overlap, unless the student provides a valid justification, other than scheduling convenience, of the need for an overlapping schedule that does not exceed 10% of class meeting time. The student makes up the overlapping hours at some other time during the dame week under the supervision of the instructor of the course. The Chief Instructional Officer or designee approves and ensures the make-up is arranged.